• Applications to Eyüboğlu Educational Institutions schools are made by filling out the "Pre-Registration Application Form."
  • Parents who fill out the Pre-Registration Application Form receive information about admission-acceptance conditions and the school from the contact addresses they have specified.
  • For students starting in kindergarten, reception class, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grades, “Student Recognition Interviews and Evaluations” are conducted.
  • Students are admitted to the 6th and 7th grades of the middle school, through the “Level Determination Exam” (DBS).
  • For Eyüboğlu College and Burçak Eyüboğlu Science and Technology High School preparatory class, students are admitted based on the results of the "High School Transition System" (LGS) applied by the Ministry of National Education or the "Eyüboğlu Educational Institutions High School Admission Exam."
  • For students starting in intermediate classes at Eyüboğlu College and Burçak Eyüboğlu Science and Technology High School, admission is through the Level Determination Exam (DBS) if there is a quota.
  • "Student Recognition Interviews" are conducted for student admissions at all levels.

For detailed information about student admission requirements, click on the level you are interested in.

Primary Schools
Middle Schools
High Schools